Creating reports
Reports are used to further analyze data or import it to third-party road asset management systems. You can create reports of both line and point data. There are five different report types for line data and two for point data.
Line data reports:
- Road segment interval report: Video parameter measurements are assigned into unique segments of the road geometry at a regular interval.
- Instance report: Instances of distresses or other objects of interest that occur in adjacent locations are reported.
- Image report: The report includes direct image and map link at a regular interval in the reference network.
- Parameter report: A spreadsheet file will be generated for each video. Each row in the spreadsheets will list the measurements for all selected parameters along with timestamp and location information. The export limits the number of videos to 500.
- UKPMS CVI report: The report is in the HMDIF format that complies with the UKPMS CVI standard. UKPMS CVI (UK Pavement Management System) CVI (Coarse Visual Inspection), is a survey method standard used in the United Kingdom for assessing the condition of roads. The HMDIF file can be loaded into a UKPMS system for further analysis and management.
Point data reports:
- Excel report: Each row corresponds to a point object, and the columns give varying details.
- PDF report: A visually customizable report, only available for annotations, that provides the following for each annotation included: the image of the annotation, two images of the location of the annotation on the map, and details about the annotation.
- In the main menu, go to Data.
- In the toolbar, select Lists.
Select the type of objects to include in the report from the drop-down list. The object
types are:
- Videos
- Annotations
- Traffic signs
- Surface markings
Select the objects by selecting the respective box at the beginning of the row.
To include all the objects, select .Active filters affect the data visible in the Lists view and in the reports. - Select .