Configuring road network metadata for videos and reports

  1. In the main menu, go to Settings > Road networks.
  2. Select the pencil icon next to the desired road network.
  3. Select the Metadata tab.
  4. In the Video player section:
    1. Select + Add and a metadata field to add a new field at the top left corner of the video player.
    2. Use the arrow to rearrange the order in which the metadata fields are displayed at the top of the video player.
    The metadata field list contains the metadata associated with the road segments as they are defined in the road network geometry.
    Select a maximum of 5 fields.
  5. In the Reports section:
    1. Select + Add and a metadata field to include in data reports.
    2. Optionally, type a different name to display in the report for clarity.
    3. Use the arrow to rearrange the order in which the metadata fields are displayed in the report.
    Select a maximum of 5 fields.
  6. Select Save and close.