Condition rating traffic signs

  1. In the main menu, go to Data.
  2. In the toolbar, select Lists.
  3. In the drop-down list at the top, select Traffic signs.
    If no filters have been applied, a complete list of detected traffic signs appears.
  4. If you only need to condition rate a few traffic signs, you can do it straight in Lists:
    1. In the Images column, select the detection image of the traffic sign to be rated.
      The image on the left is the detection image, and the image on the right is the corresponding sign category assigned by RoadAI.
    2. Close the image.
    3. In the Verification > Condition column, rate the sign condition with the scale from 1 to 5.
    4. Optionally, select an Action to go with the rating. The actions are:
      • OK
      • Fix
      • Replace
      • Missing
  5. If you need to condition rate several traffic signs, it is easier to do it from the traffic sign detail panel.
    1. Open the traffic sign detail panel.
    2. Set the detail panel to full screen.
    3. Select Keyboard shortcuts to see the list of existing shortcuts to quickly edit several traffic signs in a row.