Managing traffic signs and road surface markings

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This tutorial video teaches you how to efficiently manage your traffic signs and road surface markings by rating their condition, assigning them actions and tags, and creating reports to help plan maintenance.

This tutorial includes the following steps.

00:18 Inspecting traffic signs

Use the Traffic signs feature layer or Lists to find traffic signs on the map.

01:17 Filtering traffic signs

Use Time filters and Traffic sign filters to limit the set of traffic signs to work with.

02:31 Rating condition and assigning action

Rate the condition of traffic signs with the 1 to 5 scale and assign a planned action.

03:53 Creating reports

In Lists, select the traffic signs to be included in a report and create an Excel or PDF traffic sign report.

04:47 PDF reports

The PDF report contains the same metadata as in the detail panel in RoadAI Web, an image of the traffic sign detection, and two maps to show its location.

05:26 After maintenance

Use the hyperlinks in the report to view a traffic sign detection in RoadAI Web. Set the condition of the traffic sign back to 5 and assign the action OK. Optionally, add a text note to specify when the maintenance was done.