Creating road surface condition reports
Report data is calculated based on the raw 5 m data sections. |
- In the main menu, go to Data.
- In the toolbar, select Filters.
- Adjust the filters to include only a specific set of data in the report.
- In the toolbar, select Lists.
- Select Videos from the drop-down list.
Select the videos by selecting the respective box at the beginning of the row.
To include all the videos, select . -
. The Report type window opens.
Select Road segment interval report, Road segment group report or Instance report. Select Next.
- Road segment interval report and Road segment group report
Use road segment reports to get a report which presents the road surface condition and distress data per selected segment interval, per road network segment as defined in the road network geometry, or grouped by specified road network metadata fields. These report types offer flexible customization of the report format to suit specific use cases, such as getting an overview of the road condition as a score (0–100 %), as well as a detailed breakdown of the extent of different distresses at regular intervals. These reports can combine a general overview with more detailed data for useful insights and further analysis.
- RoadAI chooses the highest distress severity score present in the video frames in each 5 m section.
- Road surface condition scores are calculated for 5 m sections.
- The 5 m section data is aggregated in longer interval reports (depending on the interval length you choose).
Figure 1. Example of road segment interval report: 10 m interval Figure 2. Example of road segment group report (based on metadata fields): Name of road as selected metadata field Figure 3. Example of road segment group report (based on road network geometry segments): Length same as defined in road network geometry - Instance report
Use instance reports to see a list of distress instances detected on the road and their approximate location. These reports are useful to estimate the size of individual distresses (with a 5 m resolution) and plan maintenance tasks, for example.
- The presence of a distress or other object in adjacent 5 m section locations is reported.
- The reports show:
- Length: Overall length of the adjacent 5 m sections where the distress or object is detected
- Relative width: Average relative width of the distress on the adjacent sections where the distress is detected
- Relative area (length x relative width): Distress area relative to the road width
- In the File format window, select a file format for the report. Select Next.
- In the Distance configuration window, select a distance unit, and how to report segments. If you are creating a Road segment interval report, define an interval length for the segments to be split into. Select Next.
- In the Parameters window, select Road surface. Select Next.
In the Data
validity window, select Defaults. The default filters are recommended for the most accurate data. Select Next.
Road surface condition assessment for gravel roads is not supported. -
If you are creating a Road segment group report, in the Grouping window, select a grouping method. The raw 5 m data sections can be grouped based on
road network metadata fields or on the road segments as they are defined in the road
network geometry.
- Metadata fields
When choosing a single metadata field for grouping, each row or item in the report represents data sharing the same value for that field. For example, when selecting the field 'Road class' for grouping, a row or item in the report represents all data that has the same road class.
When choosing multiple metadata fields for grouping, each row or item in the report represents data that share a specific combination of values for those fields. For example, selecting the fields 'Region' and 'Road class', a row or item in the report represents all data that have the same region and road class.
The order of the chosen fields determines how the rows or items are listed in the report, but does not affect the grouping itself.
- Road network geometry segments
Group the data based on the road segments as they are defined the road network geometry. Each row or item in the report represents a road network segment.
- Select Next
If you are creating a Road segment interval report or a Road segment group report, select an aggregation method.
The resolution of the raw measurement data is 5 m, so if the chosen interval length is 50 m, each interval can have up to 10 measurements (50 m / 5 m = 10). These multiple measurements are then aggregated into a single representative value visible in the report.
The most suitable aggregation method depends on your goals and preferences. The general recommendation is to use Select most severe value when using relatively short segment intervals such as 5, 10 or 20 meters, and either Calculate average value or Calculate weighted average value for longer segment intervals or when Report whole road segments is selected.
In combined data overlays, - Select most severe value means the interval or segment is assigned the most severe value found in any of the individual 5 m measurements. For example, in the Potholes data overlay, a 50 m interval containing ten 5 m raw data measurements would be assigned Severe pothole even if only one out of the ten measurements includes a severe pothole.
- Calculate average value means the most common value is selected. For example, in the Potholes data overlay, even if there are some severe potholes detected, the interval would be assigned Moderate pothole if it is the most common in the entire interval.
Keep the structure of the report in mind when choosing an aggregation method. If you are creating a Road segment group report based on the road name metadata field, the length of the segments will most likely be very long (one whole road = one segment), so using Calculate average value is advisable in this case. The following example is a visualization of how aggregation is calculated with each method in a 50 m road segment interval, depending on which option you choose for the Distress aggregation method and the Score aggregation method.This is not a visualization of the actual report. Distress aggregation method: 50‑meter road segment interval aggregation example 5 m data samples 0 m 5 m 10 m 15 m 20 m 25 m 30 m 35 m 40 m 45 m Distress severity value 43 30 33 100 100 0 0 19 25 33 Score aggregation method Result Select most severe value 100 Calculate average value 38 This method calculates the distress-specific severity values that are reported for the chosen interval length (50 m in this example).
- Choosing Select most severe value picks the worst of all values (100 in this example) to represent the whole
The more severe the distress, the higher the value. - Choosing Calculate average value calculates the average of all the values in the interval (38 in this example).
Score aggregation method: 50‑meter road segment interval aggregation example 5 m data samples 0 m 5 m 10 m 15 m 20 m 25 m 30 m 35 m 40 m 45 m Condition scores 10 67 95 100 100 0 0 0 46 67 Score aggregation method Result Select most severe value 0 Calculate average value 48 Calculate weighted average value - 0 %: 0
- 25 %: 0
- 50 %: 0
- 75 %: 38
- 100 %: 48
This method calculates the overall road surface condition score for the chosen interval length (50 m in this example).
- Choosing Select most severe value picks the worst of all values (0 in this example) to represent the whole
The worse the condition, the lower the value. - Choosing Calculate average value calculates the average of all the values in the interval (48 in this example).
- Choosing Calculate weighted average value allows you to weight the poor condition roads in the score aggregation. Use the
slider to set the Min. zero score proportion.
Use this option only if you are not satisfied with the average values in reports. For example, if a heavily damaged segment is surrounded by segments in perfect condition, the average value will be high and the damaged part might not seem accurately represented. Finding the right minimum zero score proportion requires some trial and error. Experiment with different proportions by creating reports with different minimum zero score proportions until you find something that feels representative of the condition of your road network. - 0 % means choosing the lowest value (same result as choosing Select most severe value)
- 100 % mean the plain average (same result as choosing Calculate average value)
- The other options are in between the two, with the values closer to 0 % placing more weight on lower condition score values.
Set the Min. zero score proportion of each measured value that should result in a zero total score (while the other non-zero scores are 100). As shown in the previous example, if the Min. zero score proportion is set to 25 %, the score of the interval will be 0 if at least 25% of the values equal to 0 (even if some values are of 100). See the following figures for visual examples of how weighted average values are calculated.
Figure 4. Weighted average value (assuming that the largest value is 100 % and lowest 0 %) Figure 5. Weighted average value example: Min. zero score proportion 25% (assuming that the largest value is 100 % and lowest 0 %) - Select Next.
In the Additional options window, selecting:
- Directional: determines if the report is calculated for both driving directions separately
- Multiple drives: combines data from multiple drives to produce even more robust results. For both driving directions, up to 3 different drives can be used. The maximum time difference to the latest drive is two weeks.
- Merge driving directions: combines data from opposite driving directions to create a more complete view on the road condition. The maximum time difference to the latest drive is two weeks. If disabled, only the latest data from the opposite driving directions is selected for each location.
Select Create to create the report.
A confirmation message appears. You will get a notification in Notifications and an email with a download link when the report is ready.