Creating a road segment group report

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This tutorial video teaches you how to create an Excel road segment group report where the data is grouped by street name.

This tutorial includes the following steps.

00:30 Setting road network filters

In Filters > Road network filters, narrow down the content of your report by selecting, for example, a specific road class.

01:04 Creating a road segment group report

In Lists, select the videos to be included, then Action > Create report.

01:50 Selecting parameters in report

Under Road surface, select Condition scores and Identification.

02:25 Grouping data

Select Metadata fields as the grouping method and add the street name metadata.

03:19 Aggregating distress and score measurements

Select Calculate average value for both the distresses and condition scores.

05:05 Interpreting a road segment group report

Each row in the Excel report represents one single street, as the metatada used for grouping was the street name.